Look, a waterfall


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Post in Israel or, Blogging is Hard

Alright world, so this is my first foray into the blogging game. I'm not exactly sure what the best way to blog is but I'll do my best.

Quick confession: it took me 15 minutes to decide on the title of this blog. If blogging is going to take this long, this might be a problem.

So let's jump right in...

Last week I moved to Israel as a member of OTZMA's Israel Teaching Fellows program. For the next ten months I'm going to be working as a teacher's aid in an Israeli public school and do other volunteer work in my community.

I have a history of getting off to a rocky start when starting new endeavors. My freshmen move-in day at Tulane was also the day I evacuated for Hurricane Katrina. After joining Teach For America, I got hit by Swine Flu (later I got mono but that's a whole 'nother story). Getting to Israel also provided a few challenges.

A quick recap of how I made it to the Home Land
1. I'm on my flight to JFK and find out an earthquake has hit and JFK is closed down. (Sweet!)
2. Flight circles around in the air for a half hour and decides to land in Scranton where we hang out at the gate. We did not have time to check out Dunder-Mifflin. (Awesome!)
3. I get to JFK and am told I'm to late and can't board. (Yep, just keep it coming!)
4. After some pleading, they decide to interrogate me, search my stuff, and then whisk me through security VIP style. (Actually, that was kind of cool.)
5. I land in Israel and find that one of my bags didn't make it. (Seriously??!)
6. I finally find my OTZMA peoples. They all know my name already because I've become "that guy who keeps making us wait for him everywhere." Introductions go smoothly and everyone is awesome. (Sababaaaaa...)

So that's how I made to Israel. Since then, so much has happened. Everything has been great so far and I'm stoked to be here. More details to come on how the last couple of days have played out.

Lastly, a quick shout-out to all my REALITY peoples. I love you guys and miss having you all over here with me. Hope everyone has had a good start to the school year. Stay strong out there (and wash your hands constantly, you don't want to get Swine Flu!)

Wow, that took so long and I hate everything I wrote. Is this how blogging is supposed to work??? I hope I can keep doing this and that everyone is having a sababa day!

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